Thursday, May 28, 2009

Idol Recap? okay, sounds fun

Um so i stumbled upon my mom and sister watching american idol tonight and decided to join in for a few. And by a few i mean watch the gay guy Adam sing and then leave the room. Dont get me wrong, i used to be a huge idol follower (and by huge i mean i watched season 2, season 5, season 6, some of 3 and some of 7). But this season.... eh. I later rewatched the episode and had some key observations my sister felt were amusing enough to post on a facebook note blog thing. So i did it. Commence the recapping!

-------- warning: i watched this VIA tivo, so i possibly only saw a total of 7 minutes of the show----------

Ooooo motown

Matt Giraud - "Lets Get It On"
so the piano guy is first. not the blind piano guy but the awkward justin timberlake wanna-be. Make that the Mr. Rogers wanna-be. i mean did you see that sweater and tie? haha it was cute. He didnt do too bad with the song and i was glad he got out from behind the piano. The dancing was wierd and all but its Motown so i guess you gotta do it. I really find myself listening to almost all of his songs each week, which means he is doing pretty well. I enjoy him but not so much this week. I give it a 6.4 out of 10. (oh side note - a server at work, Savannah, is from Michigan and is friends with Matt. So i know a girl who knows a guy who is on American Idol. One step closer to fame)

**Paula Dance Counter: Dancing while seated- 1**

Kris Allen - "How sweet it is to be loved by you"
Um im gonna be honest:i didnt know this guy existed until this week. But i liked him, a lot actually. I think he could do well in real life (as opposed to Idol Land where people like Taylor Hicks win.... SOUL PATROL) as a Jason Mraz type kind of dude. With a guitar and with the writing of his own music. I didnt understand the numbers on his shirt though, like was he in jail? sorry for all the fashion things i just notice it. Apparently this guy is also very attractive.... "he is really cute" as Schen put it. Um, okay? I think she is right but im not too sure. I mean Im not an expert in hot guy101 but ill trust my hetero sis. So that gets his performance extra points because its a material world. 7.5 out of 10 (side note #2 - my nickname for him is Kris T. Allen. Um i thought it was insanely clever until i looked up how to spell what i thought was something like Kristie Allen only to discover i was thinking of the actress named KIRSTIE ALLEY. Very much not the same thing.)

Scott MacIntyre AKA The Blind Guy - "Can't Hurry Love"
I listened to three seconds and skipped it. 1 out of 10. and that is generous.

Megan Joy - "For Once in My Life"
I tried to listen to it so i could like recap it but um wow. HORRIBLE. Bad. very bad. In the beginning i thought she was trying to spoof Katy Perry. I am sad cuz she is pretty but now must face the flames of elimination tomorrow. Like there is no way she will survive after that. I love the tats though. She gets 1.5 out of 10. the tats get a 5 out of 10. (side note #3 - i havent commented on anything the judges say yet because i dont watch that part. I get pissed that they think i cant judge them myself. I mean isnt the whole point of the show the fact that WE are the judges? wierd. I mean sometimes i push play if paula is talking cuz i like to see if they readjusted her meds this week or note.... but other than that....)

**Crazy Paula Dance Counter: Dancing while seated- 1 , Dancing while standing- 1**

Anoop Desai - "Ooo Baby Baby"
I gave this one 6 seconds. I fast forwarded right after he said "Ooooooo baby baby" in an off key wierd falcetto. NEXT. oh um lets give hime a 3.2 out of 10 (side note #whatever - i spelled his name right on the first try without looking! YAY!)

Paula is wearing a humungeous ring on her left hand that makes me wanna hug her. Cuz its crazy. And i love crazy people. She really needs help though.

Michael Sarver AKA The Roughneck - "Aint Too Proud to Beg"
I didnt like this guy that much before this week. I listened to the whole thing cuz it wasnt that bad actually. It kind of worked with his whole country music sweet guy under the rough exterior image. The ending was strange though, his voice dipped and did a thing i cant understand. He boosted his score by calling Paula "maam" which is like plus 1 point. Ummmm how about 4.9 out of 10? yeah? okay moving on

Random thought - I wanna punch Ryan Seacrest in the face. I always have. I have nightmares of the days before tivo when i had to listen to his voice and actually pay attention to him. "shudder"

Lil Rounds - "HeatWave"
I just got yelled at for 2 minutes. I thought she was doing good in the first few seconds until it dawned on me that she was just yelling very loudly. I think it would hav ebeen better if she started off like at a normal volume and stayed there til the end. Or the whole time. I reallly like Lil Rounds usually though, honest! I think this was just a hard week. 3.9 out of 10. Make that 4.1 since she made Paula stand up!

**Crazy Paula Dance Counter: Dancing while seated - 1, Dancing while standing- 3**

Adam Lambert - "Tracks of My Tears"
I AM SO IN LOVE!!!!! that was fucking amazing, omg omg omg i love him. He is so fabulous. I mean come on, he rocked that shit. And im not just biased cuz he is gay. Okay maybe im totally biased but like wow. He was so adorable right!!! And charming. And fancy with hsi slick hair. So cute. Oh and his VOICE! holy crap. sexy falcetto i loved it. 9.4 out of 10. LOVED IT. (side note #15 - for anyone confused at why i can understand Adam's hotness but not comprehend Kris's its simple. I dont understand straight men attractivity. Like the whole sweaty man in uniform thing? no clue. But a gay man in a sharp looking suit and guyliner? im totally there, i can see it 100%. Okay maybe its not as simple as i thought, that does seem a little screwy. oh well, moving on)

P.S. i dont know if you noticed but Adam is my fav and the only reason i kind of watch the show

Danny Gokey AKA Dead Wife Guy - "Get Ready"
I hate Danny. I skipped it after the intro verse, its just bleh. My mom loves loves him and i dont get it. I think he is boring and this performance was confusing. I usually skip him after a few seconds but listened to "Jesus take the wheel" by accident last week and it was pretty good. I think he should stick with songs in that vocal region. 5.1 out of 10.

**Crazy Paula Dance Counter: Dancing while seated - 1, Dancing while standing- 4**

Allison Iraheta AKA Red Haired Girl - "Papa Was a Rolling Stone"
So apparently her father was a popular music magazine. hahahah jk, jk. I love this song so it was hard to hear her sing it but she did well. I think she did too much "mmm-mm-mama daa mmm ooo-oh-ohhh al-ooo-oo-oone" stuff. But she KILLED the last note, like in a good way. I listened to it. Very nice hispanic less attractive kelly clarkson, very nice.

**Crazy Paula Dance Counter: Dancing while seated - 1, Dancing while standing- 5, Black marker mustaches - 1**

i guess thats all... was this recap okay? i dont even know if anyone would find this fun to read but there was a lot of peer pressure from my sister. so i hope i did okay.

Question for the readers: Who was your fav this week?

VOTE ADAM! WE'RE HERE! WE'RE QUEER! WE'RE WINNING AMERICAN IDOL! (its all part of the gay agenda). bon appetit!

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